Ten Things You Need To Get For Your Pup For The 2023 Summer!

Be it a cool, windy walk in the park in the evening, or licking on a strawberry-flavored pupsicle on a sunny morning, the summer season is full of fun, energy and lots of pool parties! Are you and your pooch pumped up for the summer of 2023? We are, too! Nonetheless, we still need to be careful about our fur baby's health, don't we?
So, we put together a few things that would make life easier. For more information on how to take care of him during the sunny season, check out our blog - The Sunny Weather Vs. Your Pup.
1. Dog Shoes Are A Must!
Roads get super hot in summer. Try taking your pup for walks when the sun is down. Those delicate paws need to be protected from getting burnt. A proper pair of kicks will keep them protected. We have listed couple of options for you to pick.
1. Zoof Casuals: These shoes are made of breathable upper and abrasion-resistant sole. They are fastened by double velcro, so, they don't come off easily. And, they are available in three colors - Red, Yellow and Black.
2. Zoof Boots: These are great starter shoes. Since, they are sole-less, it is easier for the pup to get used to the boots. They are great for short walks and come is a multitude of cute designs.
2. A Dog Water Bottle For Walking Sessions
Different and more intricate than normal water bottles, dog water bottles have been designed especially for pups who are on the go. These water bottles enable easy drinking with comfort and minimal spills so that your dog can stay hydrated at all times.
These water bottles come in various colors and unique features as they keep the cold water cool for long hours. This will definitely help your pup feel fresh during his walking session.
Product Recommendations
Amazon - This water bottle is so convenient and easy to use. You can use it with just one of your hands and hydrate your pup! This bottle doesn't let any water get wasted so that your dog can stay refreshed for long periods of time.
Chew Central - This water bottle for your dog gives him freshwater whenever he is out on a walk. No more depending on public water sinks or bowls! Not only is this bottle hygienic, but it also is spill-free so that your dog can drink as much as he wants!
3. Dog Wipes To Cool Down That Fluffy Face
Wet wipes are refreshing for everyone, aren’t they? We use them after a long run or when we are super tired. Similarly, your furry friend wishes to feel that fresh as well! A number of pet companies have started making anything and everything possible for the comfort of our babies. Isn’t that nice to hear?
When the both of you take a break in the middle of a run or a walking session, take out a packet of special dog wipes and clean his face with it – his ears, beside his eyes, his nose and do not forget his neck and chest! The wipes will feel cool against his skin and make him feel better under the sunshine.
Product Recommendations
HeadsUpForTails - These dog wipes are great for pups who have sensitive skin. It properly cleans conditions their fur to make it softer and smoother. Your pup will definitely look extremely fresh and shiny after you use these wipes!
Goofy Tails - You should definitely get these beautifully scented wipes for your pup to make him feel and smell as fresh as a daisy! These dog wipes are completely made up of natural ingredients and can be used to clean their ears, near the mouth, their paws, furry coat and their tushy!
4. Bring On The Accessories!
Grab your sunglasses and give a matching cap to your pup! Staying under some form of shade is very important for your dog. He needs to feel comfortable and cool during his walks. For that, he needs to protect his little head from all the heat from the sunny weather.
Hats and caps will be very easily available to you in various designs, shapes, colors and sizes. You won’t have to worry because you will definitely find one which your dog absolutely loves!
Product Recommendations
Amazon India - These hats and caps are available in a number of colours and sizes. They are extremely adjustable and comfortable so that even large dog breeds can wear it. Make sure make your pup where a hat or a cap before you go outside!
5. Gotta Protect Your Furry From The Flare!

It may come as a surprise but your dog can very easily get sunburnt, just the way you can! Yes, you heard that right! Especially if your pup is a small dog with less fur compared to other breeds, he may be in trouble this summer. To avoid any form of skin infection or irritation due to the summer heat, buy a tube or bottle of sunscreen for dogs and that’s it, your pup is protected!
Not only does the sunscreen help with shielding your dog against the harmful rays of sunlight, but it also makes their skin glow, become smoother and softer, and let’s be honest, it makes them smell amazing.
Product Recommendations
Amazon India - This sunscreen spray not only protects your pup from the direct rays of the sun, but it also gives him the right nourishment that his skin needs. Keep your pup safe this summer by spraying him with this sunscreen before you step out!
Just Dogs - This sunscreen spray feels clean and light on your dog's skin. It makes his furry coat look shiny without being oily or leaving a greasy look. This spray he great for everyday or regular usage.
6. Paws Need Extra Attention
Does your pup have cracked paws that may lead to irritation? This may considerably increase during the summer months, especially if your dog does not wear shoes when you take him out for his walk. Try Zoof Wax to protect your pup against ticks, fleas and obviously, dry paws.
The Zoof Wax is a protective balm or wax which gives your dog's paws the right amount of nourishment that he needs. It helps in getting his paws back to its original form, which is completely smooth and soft!
About The Recommendation
Zoof Wax - When your dog’s paws are left unattended they can get very chapped, rough and dry. Zoof Wax is our all-natural paw balm that will keep your dog’s paws healthy and smooth!
7. Pupsicles! Pupsicles! Pupsicles!
The hot summer season makes you and your dog lazy, doesn't it? In this weather, all you both need is a good popsicle. That's right, get your pup a popsicle tray or mold! Look up ways to make dog-safe popsicles at home.
For instance, make apple juice at home, put the liquid in the popsicle tray, put the tray in the freezer and let it chill for two to three hours. When it's ready, give your pup a nice frozen treat - a tasty Pupsicle!
8. An Inflatable Pool, 'Cause Why Not?!

Who doesn't like to go for a long swim during summer? I do, you do, and of course, your dog does, too! It might not be possible to take him to the common or local pool near your home, but who says you can't have your own pool party at home?
Get a big inflatable swimming pool for your dog! Why enjoy alone? Call up your fellow dog parents so that they can get their pups and have fun too! Nothing can beat a nice swim in the pool on a hot, summer morning!
9. A Cool Bed = A Cool Pup
If your doggy is in a good mood, you are in a good mood. Keep your pup happy by getting him a cooling bed. Using a cooling bed is simple, easy and effective.
Simply look for the opening hole, put cold water into it, put the cap back on and put it on the ground. Your dog will love this cooling bed, or water bed, as it will keep him fresh, happy and comfortable for long hours during the day!
Product Recommendations
PawsnCollars - This is going to become your dog's favorite relaxing spot. This cooling bed enhances comfort and gives your dog relief from joint or knee pains. This bed will help your pup feel cool and sleep better.
HeadsUpForTails - This elevated dog bed will give your pup utmost comfort and will become his forever-cosy-home! Not only does this off-the-ground feature make your dog feel cool, but it also makes him feel relaxed after a long day.
10. The Season-friendly Water Bowl
Remember how when we were kids and our mums would get these steel water bottles for us so that our drinking water stays cool throughout the day? Well, you need to get your pup a bowl like that! Drinking cool water can help in energizing your dog and diminish his exhaustion.
After a long, hard day of making cute faces at you till you give him a piece of what you're eating, running around the house with a dirty sock in his mouth, barking at nothing and obviously, chasing a bug during his walk, your dog needs to relax and a cool drink is what's best for him!
What are you planning on doing for your pup this summer? Leave us a comment if you have any questions or suggestions!
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